Building Churches & Pastors in India & Nepal

     The Lord has blessed our church in a huge way by allowing us to continue to be good stewards of our building by renovating our Fellowship Hall and Sanctuary.  My prayer is that we will be able to pay forward the blessing of having a dry, safe, and beautiful place to worship, by providing that same thing for a congregation in the mountainous region of rural Nepal.  We have been given a chance to provide a building for this congregation at the cost of $10,000.  You can see from the pictures below the current space they meet in as well as an example of the kind of building that we hope to build.  Can you imagine meeting in their present church in the snow and wind of winter? 

     I have been given to opportunity to travel to Nepal to be part of the dedication of this building in January.  While there I have been asked to help put on two conferences to train national pastors.  We anticipate 50 pastors in Kathmandu, Nepal and 100 pastors in Hyderabad, India.  We will be working through material to help them learn what God’s Word says about what a biblical church should be doing and how they can lead their congregations to be as biblical as possible.  This is a necessity as many people don’t know what a church should look like and many men who are called to the ministry don’t have access to training and education about such things.  We are able to fund my travel and a portion of the cost of the conference (travel, food, lodging, and venue for the pastors) for $7000.  That is a grand total of $17,000 that we are aiming to raise by July 31.

     Our hope is that we can create partnerships with this particular congregation as well as pastors from the region to have a continuous missions connection and presence in this area of the world.  

     Our church has been greatly blessed and we can now pay that blessing forward.  Please pray and consider how the Lord might lead you to give to this project above and beyond your regular giving to our church’s ministry. Our hope is that we would take an even more active part in fulfilling the Great Commission by taking the gospel to the nations so that the Lord’s name would be hallowed by all people in all places.

     If you would like to give toward this work please mark your check or giving envelope as India/Nepal. You can also give below by clicking on the "Make a Donation" button.  We ask that all gifts be sent by July 31.