PGBC Family Ministry exists to Gather in worship with all ages, grow in holiness as we seek God, and Go out into the world as we make disciples of all nations.
What do we mean by discipleship in the home? Deuteronomy 6:6-9 outlines the duty of parents in raising their children to fear the Lord. Our conviction is that the parents should be the main influence in a child’s life. The goal is for parents to live a Christ-like life that is a model for their children by being intentional and showing the love of Christ in their everyday life.
Model: Modeling our faith is vital to passing the faith on to our children. The goal of the family is to be like Joshua and be able to say, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”. (Joshua 24:15)
Be Intentional: Proverbs 21:5 says, “The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty.” This is the goal with intentionality. Parents should schedule and plan to the best of their ability to provide opportunities for their children to grow in their faith.
Love: 1 Corinthians 16:14 says, “Let all that you do be done in love.” Christ was the greatest example of love by dying on the cross in our place. This is what we should be modeling to our children as we raise them.
Model a personal walk with Christ.
Be intentional to have Family worship consistently.
Love your neighbors by showing hospitality and having conversations as a family.
Model a generous spirit to one another
Be intentional to use each other’s time, talents, and treasures in the home
Love one another daily, striving toward a godly use of grace and truth
Model your faith when you are out and about.
Be intentional to schedule our time to have missional opportunities such as hospitality, helping neighbors, etc.
Love the people around you enough to pray for them consistently.
What do we mean by discipleship at church? Much like the nuclear family, the church family should be providing services and resources for children to grow in their faith. Although the church does not take the place of the family, the church should be coming alongside the family to help children take ownership of their faith. The goal is for the church to nurture children where they are and to be a biblical church that helps, encourages, and mentors parents in raising their children. The church will train children to grow in their faith with age-specific ministries that will help cultivate a lasting faith. And finally, the church will provide opportunities for kids to live out their faith through missions, evangelism, and being a part of the local body.
Nurture: According to the Oxford dictionary, Nurture means to “care for and encourage the growth” of someone. Our goal is to come alongside parents and help raise our children in the ‘fear and admonition of the Lord’.
Train: Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” We provide multiple opportunities for children to begin learning about Christ, starting at the age of three. We want to see kids raised in church and have a relationship with Christ that they do not depart from when they are older.
Provide Opportunities: We have a conviction at PGBC to follow the Great Commission. There are many ways to do this, and we want to give multiple times throughout a child’s life to share the gospel and be comfortable with their faith.
Nurture the kids to have a Christ-like character and be separate from the world.
Train children in learning biblical truths.
Provide opportunities to live like Jesus.
Nurture in knowing what it means to live in unity together in Christ.
Train children by providing services and resources that aid parents in raising their children.
Provide opportunities for every child and help them build community through our services.
Nurture children to have a missional mindset.
Train children by providing opportunities to serve, give, love, etc.
Provide opportunities for children to share the gospel in McDowell County and beyond.
Plan to Develop Children at PGBC
Who is God
Origin Story
Sin and Our Need For Christ
What is the Gospel
Trusting in God’s Plan
The Commandments From God
A Call to Live Out God’s Word
Church and Last Things
Foundational Doctrines
What is God’s Plan
The Work of the Spirit
How to Become a Disciple
How to Live Out Your Faith
How To Persevere in an Ungodly World
Final Things as We Long for Jesus